Series of 7 videos taken at different locations in Sao Jose dos Campos, Brazil. Material was used for installation CultureRobot 2.0 @ SESC Sao Jose dos Campos. It was recorded during mapping workshop by its participants and latter used as 7 clips trigged by CultureRobots on the CR 2.0 installation.
Overview of the move: 7 points were chosen in the center of Sao Jose dos Campos, Brazil. Points have been collected from the previously done workshops where participants have created narrative maps. Chosen points represent the city and details that are very personal to the participants:
1. independent bookstore (only one in the city that offers unusual reading material);
2. nature that is directly incorporated into the city (because of the fresh air SJC has a history of nursing homes and asylums for upper class people);
3. bus station with its urban chaos – lower classes and public transportation;
4. playgrounds – kids and families;
5. omnipotent bars, man breaking the ice, people drink beer;
6. urban planing of the city with the “nerve systemâ€? made of streets with and life in the vehicle, asphalt and it’s dangers (the dangerous curve);
7. high education – recorded conversation with the lady on the help desk that didn’t gave us a permission to film inside university and shots from university magazine (mostly economy and technical classes with one class for art business).
Video can also be downloaded in ogg video and mpg4 here >>