Category Archives: update

7 pontos – 7 historias

Series of 7 videos taken at different locations in Sao Jose dos Campos, Brazil. Material was used for installation CultureRobot 2.0 @ SESC Sao Jose dos Campos. It was recorded during mapping workshop by its participants and latter used as 7 clips trigged by CultureRobots on the CR 2.0 installation.

Overview of the move: 7 points were chosen in the center of Sao Jose dos Campos, Brazil. Points have been collected from the previously done workshops where participants have created narrative maps. Chosen points represent the city and details that are very personal to the participants:

1. independent bookstore (only one in the city that offers unusual reading material);

2. nature that is directly incorporated into the city (because of the fresh air SJC has a history of nursing homes and asylums for upper class people);

3. bus station with its urban chaos – lower classes and public transportation;

4. playgrounds – kids and families;

5. omnipotent bars, man breaking the ice, people drink beer;

6. urban planing of the city with the “nerve systemâ€? made of streets with and life in the vehicle, asphalt and it’s dangers (the dangerous curve);

7. high education – recorded conversation with the lady on the help desk that didn’t gave us a permission to film inside university and shots from university magazine (mostly economy and technical classes with one class for art business).

Video can also be downloaded in ogg video and mpg4 here >>

CR 2.0 at SESC SJC

CultureRobot 2.0 installation is open for viewers at SESC Sao Jose dos Campos during month of February. Installation depicts 7 points that have been represented by edited video and sound of this locations. Points have been chosen out of many  that were depicted by workshop participants to present an overview of SJC urban, cultural and everyday social structure and landscape. Audio and video material was collected by participants, Ricardo Palmieri and Kruno Jost and final editing was done by Kruno Jost.

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SJC map with 7 chosen locations

CR 2.0 had updates in software and hardware applications in both interactivity and in creation of robots. WII controller was hacked for position tracking of the robots. PD patches were updated to incorporate audio visual representations of the locations and new design in robots was introduced to create less chance for them to entangle into each other.

WII controller and its positioning next to the projector on the ceiling of the installation space.

New bettleboot design with recycled material, upper and bottom side and from inside.

New map inhabitants were also robots made by young people attending robot making workshops. Both robots and maps were intriguing  younger and older audience.

Installation needed calibrating and it went trough couple of stages of production to fit place and its surrounding in best possible way.

Final installation:

Preparation for CR in SESC SJC

During the workshop days in SESC SJC participants showed a great interest in personal narrative while obtaining and creating material for impending CultureRobot installation. Appealing content was aggregated during the five days when they were making research based on presentation that displayed mapping process trough geographical mapping, mind mapping, time mapping and projects that map social, political and power relations.

Most prominent artistic working on the subject were presented, such as Josh On, Heath Bunting BorderXing , Warchalking project, Bureau d’Etudes and UniversitéTangente work, MapaEnquanto by Brazilian collective Descentro, i-SEE project by Institute of Applied Autonomy and An Atlas of Radical Cartography.

Participants created maps based on their own interests. An example is mapping the water and city relations. Urbanism, water flow, street flow, underground water reservoirs and approach to communal water, abandoned water towers, rivers and bridges were investigated. This part of workshop ended resulting in drown, video and photo documentation.

An interesting image was created by one of the workshop participants depictingthe way from her home to SESC workshop only by ussing colors and shapes.

Joined map was created by inserting each of the participant map into city map, where pins and threads were used to investigate participants movement within the city as well as relation of themselves trough this movement. Maps were than replicated in digital form using googlemaps technologies and collaborative map was created. Participants were also introduced to the GPS technology that was used to mark some of city points by its latitude and longitude.

LiveNoiseTupi recordings

LiveNoiseTupi is collaborative performatic collective with members: Cristiano Rosa (BR) aka Pan&Tone, Ricardo Palmieri (BR) aka VJ Palm and Kruno Jost (CRO) aka GentleJunk. They create a live open source performance where interested participants are welcomed to become part of the creative process. Boundaries between artists and audience is thus blurred and performance becomes happening where audience doesn’t consume work, but is actively engaged in process.

LNT at HAIP '08 festival, Ljubljana

LNT @ HAIP '08 festival

To recycles everything  that our society throws away after using but can be circuit bent or otherwise put in condition to make sound is LNT main interest. It is hard to define boundary between aesthetics of performance, music concert, workshop or knowledge transfer and just regular ‘hang around’ and talk in happenings LNT are creating. At the same time welding, cutting and soldering became a part of visual video screen that goes hand in hand with audio performance and educational collaborative work with everyone who appears during performance. Usually, people joining the activities come out with their own instrument, or they get involved in performance and music making. LNT are making musical instruments in similar process like making music: intuitive, by chance, trough sharing, inspired by what is around, trough listening and observing. Their performances are almost always a nice bricolague of happenings, chance music, improvisation, workshops and enjoyable evenings.
LNT @ KSET Zagreb

LNT @ KSET Zagreb with Penelopex and Julie la Rousse

During exchange program LNT performed on HAIP ’08 festival in Ljubljana, Slovenia, KSET in Zagreb and MAMA in Zagreb. Recordings done in this period were published on GentleJunk NetLabel:

LiveNoiseTupi @ MAMA

LNT @ St. John the Frog

CultureRobot on HAIP

During HAIP festival in Ljubljana Palmieri Ricardo and Kruno Jošt mounted CultureRobot installation at cybercafe and culture center Kiberpipa. Cultural points in Ljubljana have been marked on the map:

Robots movement was tracked by infrared camera on the map. They have mounted diodes on the top.

In the video development can be seen in new design protecting robots from entangling together. Also a tracking patch can be observed. Map with cultural centers were trigged to change color and size of circle as robot crossed it. People could control robot movements.

Here is photolog from HAIP festival >>

CultureRobot preparations

Culture exchange program has made it possible for Kruno Jošt and Ricardo Palmieri to present installation CultureRobot at festival HAIP 08.

CultureRobot is participatory interactive installation that raises awareness of social and political sphere that is affecting autonomous cultural sphere in Ljubljana.
“The HAIP Festival puts on display multimedia art forms resulting from creative use of open technologies and the freedom of artistic expressions in open-source media. It presents works of the young, promising artists and creative engineers on international level, who specialize in top-notch, open-standards-supported arts and multimedia art practices. The festival features individuals and groups with a critical approach towards the technologies that surround us and shape our everyday environment.” (from

From 27th to 31th of October final preparations of the installation has been made. Steps were:

1. Making of the Robots (recycled material for small robots)
2. Tracking the Robots (Open CV with hacked webcam for infrared detection)
3. Filtering the Robots data (positioning in PD)
4. Image of the Map (interactive)
This are the tools and recycled material used to make a robot
robot parts
First we had to test electronical circuit that will power electro motors.

This is how the elements are supposed to be glued on the body of the robot – the old DVD.

To help stabilizing the wheels we used old metal plates. We glued wheels on metal plates. Wheels are made with rubber material found in pipe repair store.

Everything was glued on the top of the CD and circuit was connected based on the scheme.

Robot antenas that will on contact shut down one of the motors thus making robot turn in one direction were glued (later soldered) to electronic switches.

We fitted caps made from plastic bottles trying to prevent robots to hook each other with antennas.

This is the movie of robot movement

To help us work we visited local TV and radio repair shop and collected old remote controls that were disassembled and led diodes were taken out.

Led diodes are glued on the top of each robot.

Old web cam was hacked by inserting found developed slide film. This will filter out all unwanted infrared light and show only led diode light on the back of our robots.

Pure Data (open source software for multimedia interactivity) patch for detecting robot movements looks like this.

Collaborative map was developed during past months with artist and cultural workers from Ljubljana. Map is representing cultural points in center of Ljubljana. This map will continue to aggregate data on suggestions of the HAIP festival visitors.

This is PD patch that calibrates specific location on the map with the coordinates of the robot. It will detect when robot is on the coordinate thus creating visuals on the projected screen.

Activities of the robots are seen on the map by changing colors.

semaninha agitada, 20 speakers independentes e muita coisa pra aprender.

legal, chegou a hora de falar de trabalho – como se ate agora tudo tivesse sido soh gandaia e lazer.

estamos aqui em dubrovnil cumprindo o tradicional MMKamp, versao 2008. aqui neste link voce pode conferir a turma que ja andou participando desta e de outras versoes do evento.

a semana do dia primeiro de julho comecou de um modo bem curioso, com 4 caras da Suiça (marcus, martin, daniel e john) chegando em Lazareti com um dodecaedro de aproximadamente 3m de diametro para ser montado, e mais um rack pesando uns 200Kg, soh com placas de som la dentro. claro, a pergunta basica: pra que tudo isso? ate entao nao sabiamos, mas tinhamos uma informacao que eles montariam uma especie de instalacao sonora tridimensional, ou algo do genero.

este sistema usando um dodecaedro, chamado de Ambisonic, serve para suportar 20 speakers controlados por 20 canais diferentes. por isso o danado do rack de quase 200kg – cheio de interfaces firewire, ampificadores e mixers, um luxo soh. coisa de suiço.



apos a montagem do sistema, discutimos com seria nosso processo, estabelecendo alguns horarios de trabalho (obviamente passamos o tempo todo hackeando a agenda, hehe)



proximo passo? comecar a troca informacoes. o primeiro “workshop” foi dado pelo prof. dr. Martin Neukon, chefe do instituto de ciencias da computacao de Zurich, falando um pouco sobre o comportamento/processamento do som dentro do sistema Ambisonic. uma aula bacana sobre amplitude e modulacao deixando a gente pensando como reproduzir estes efeitos usando cada um sua ferramenta (o martin usa PureData tb, mas os patches do Ambisonic sao todos feitos em Max/Msp e Mathematic).


no dia seguinte a apresentacao do Martin, Daniel Bisig, pequisador do laboratorio de inteligencia artificial da universidade de Zurich apresentou seu projeto principal, que faz o link com o Ambisonic: o ISO: Interactive Swarms Orchestra


acima, algumas imagens geradas pelo sistema de swarms criado pelo daniel. a ideia basica eh que os swarms podem nao somente controlar os instrumentos desejados para a orquestra, mas tb a posicao deles no espaco. um trabalho muito interessante, mas falarei mais dele na proxima blogada, onde tentarei relacionar os processos tradicionais de producao de arte com processos onde a poesia esta embutida nos codigos, ou algo assim.


a proxima blogada eu farei em alguns dias, pois estamos tendo serios problemas aqui em dubrovnik para fazer upload de material na internet. mas assim q voltar pra krizevci, tudo sera resolvido 😉


hvala, bok.


ciao ciao





enquanto isso, em dubrovnik…

bom, chegamos em dubrovnik no dia 30/07, depois de uma viagem de quase 12 horas por toda a costa croata, vindo de zagreb, passando por split e com direito a uma cruzadinha de fronteira com a bosnia-herzegovina.

cidade cheia de turistas de toda parte do mundo: croacia, alemanha, italia, austria, japao, china, eu do brasil e claro, cheeeeeia de americanos. uns verdadeiros fanfarroes, andando em bandos (a la grupo de turistas) de pos-adolescentes, bebendo muito e algazarrando com a vida dos europeus.

o lugar onde estamos se chama Lazarete, eh foi uma especie de “purgatorio” para os marinheiros que voltavam de meses de viagem em alto mar. isso pq ao voltar de viagem, tinham que ficar neste predio por um periodo de 40 dias (quarentena) para ter certeza de que nao contrairam nenhum tipo de doenca contagiosa antes de poder realmente entrar na cidade.

comecamos nosso trabalhos por aqui, numa especie de “open process”, dividindo o dia em horas de trabalho coletivo, horas de trabalho individual e horas de lazer, intercalando tudo isso com alguns mergulhos na praia em frente a lazarete, banhada pelo bom e velho mar Adriatico.
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agora que falei do lugar, na proxima blogada conto um pouco mais sobre nosso open-process (ainda em process) e sobre algumas peculiaridades da vida local auqi em dubrovnik.


NetLabel things, jet-LADSPA e os hrvatski drugues

entao, nao estou muito inspirado para uma longa narrativa sobre o dia-a-dia na vida na hrvatska como no post anterior. por esta razao vou postar um monte links que contam de forma mais rizomatica esta semana aqui em krizevci. entao, comecemos pela ordem

Križevci – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Croatia – Dalmatia – Prices of goods and services

Tramadol – Wikipédia, a enciclopédia livre

Walter Wolf Cigarettes

KarlovaÄ?ko – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


faltam ainda os videos da banda cover dos ramones do amigo sacha que eu nao tenho aqui comigo os links agora.

a proxima etapa da aventura se da em dubrovinik. curiosx? olhe em Dubrovnik – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia , e procure pela palavra Lazarete. eh neste local onde esta historia continua.
