Category Archives: report

MIMOSA action

On sunny day of 24th of April MIMOSA installation was taken to the streets of Linz in search of everyday people that will use it as a free media and say whatever is on their minds without usual filters of commercial media. Our small group had lots of fun with trying to attract passers by to come and share their thoughts with us.

Many of them arrived and gave us their opinions on city of Liz, on independent culture, about ongoing Linz Culture Capital 09,  free radio work in Linz etc.

Some of the passers by were students that have been demonstrating that day in Linz due to schools reforms affecting them. Estimated 12 000 students gathered that day at Hauptplatz, main square of Linz.

Thanx to the whole MIMOSA crew, audio interwievs will be published soon.

CultureRobot preparations

Culture exchange program has made it possible for Kruno Jošt and Ricardo Palmieri to present installation CultureRobot at festival HAIP 08.

CultureRobot is participatory interactive installation that raises awareness of social and political sphere that is affecting autonomous cultural sphere in Ljubljana.
“The HAIP Festival puts on display multimedia art forms resulting from creative use of open technologies and the freedom of artistic expressions in open-source media. It presents works of the young, promising artists and creative engineers on international level, who specialize in top-notch, open-standards-supported arts and multimedia art practices. The festival features individuals and groups with a critical approach towards the technologies that surround us and shape our everyday environment.” (from

From 27th to 31th of October final preparations of the installation has been made. Steps were:

1. Making of the Robots (recycled material for small robots)
2. Tracking the Robots (Open CV with hacked webcam for infrared detection)
3. Filtering the Robots data (positioning in PD)
4. Image of the Map (interactive)
This are the tools and recycled material used to make a robot
robot parts
First we had to test electronical circuit that will power electro motors.

This is how the elements are supposed to be glued on the body of the robot – the old DVD.

To help stabilizing the wheels we used old metal plates. We glued wheels on metal plates. Wheels are made with rubber material found in pipe repair store.

Everything was glued on the top of the CD and circuit was connected based on the scheme.

Robot antenas that will on contact shut down one of the motors thus making robot turn in one direction were glued (later soldered) to electronic switches.

We fitted caps made from plastic bottles trying to prevent robots to hook each other with antennas.

This is the movie of robot movement

To help us work we visited local TV and radio repair shop and collected old remote controls that were disassembled and led diodes were taken out.

Led diodes are glued on the top of each robot.

Old web cam was hacked by inserting found developed slide film. This will filter out all unwanted infrared light and show only led diode light on the back of our robots.

Pure Data (open source software for multimedia interactivity) patch for detecting robot movements looks like this.

Collaborative map was developed during past months with artist and cultural workers from Ljubljana. Map is representing cultural points in center of Ljubljana. This map will continue to aggregate data on suggestions of the HAIP festival visitors.

This is PD patch that calibrates specific location on the map with the coordinates of the robot. It will detect when robot is on the coordinate thus creating visuals on the projected screen.

Activities of the robots are seen on the map by changing colors.

tensao, jet-lag, lingua estranha… e ta tudo em casa!

pois eh. pra mim a coisa comecou uns dias antes da viagem, quando eu acessei .pensei  “agora sim, com estas dicas basicas eu vou falar croata com uma fluencia absurda”. pobre engano que soh foi percebido ao entrar no aviao da Lufthansa, e sentar ao lado de um senhor muito comunicativo que tambem estava indo para Zagreb (capital da Croacia). seu nome era Vojko (le-se Vaico). comecamos a conversar ele me deu umas dicas sobre as tais letras ai da foto. a letra GE, se fala com som de GUE, e a letra DE cortada no meio tem o som do nosso GE. o ZE com acento circunflexo invertido (caron) tem o som de DGE. o Ce se diz CHE. confuso isso? imagina agora o povo falando as palavras mais bizarras do mundo, com estes sons no meio… um mix de alemao, grego, ingles e um monte de palavras que se fala igual em portugues (vitamina, amaranto, vino, …). a viagem com Vojko foi muito bacana, pois falamos um tanto em ingles, enquanto eu arriscava misturar um pouco de Hrvatski no meio da conversa.

chegando no aeroporto de Zagreb, tive meu primeiro momento tenso na alfandega: para carimbar o meu passaporte, o guarda pensou que eu estava entrando no pais para “ganhar a vida”. Me perguntou o q eu estava fazendo ali, se eu sabia falar o idioma, se eu conhecia alguem que morava no pais.. basico de alfandega. expliquei que estava a turismo, visitando uns amigos e comecei a falar o nome das cidades que eu lembrava (Zagreb, Krizevic, Dubrovinik). o guarda me olhou feio, mas carimbou o passaporte seguido de um nema na cemu (bem-vindo) bem resmungado.

nao bastasse o susto na alfandega, a primeira preocupacao: ao tentar sacar dinheiro no caixa eletronico do banco de Zagreb (zagrebina banka), meu cartao foi recusado. otimo. numa terra onde eu soh conhecia a selacao de futebol e o kruno (que estava voltando de munich de carro, e iria me buscar am algum lugar da ciadade que eu nao conhecia), eu estava sem grana pra nem tomar um cafe (que custa 12 kunas no aeroporto – algo em torno de 4R$). sentei, pensei, chorei, respirei, chorei, pensei, levantei e fui tentar um caixa eletronico mais vagabundo, meio escondido no fundao do aeroporto… pra minha felicidade, o cartao funcionou. ponto negativo pro zagrebrina banka, q nao aceita cartoes visa que tem chip, somente os que tem fita magnetica.

o bom e velho Vojko que a esta altura estava esperando seu filho para busca-lo no aeroporto me ofereceu o celular para ligar pro kruno e de quebra uma carona ate a estacao central de trens de Zagreb, onde eu pude deixar minha mala num guardador (por miseras 15 kn por 24h de servico) e dar uma volta pela capital para aconhecer um pouco da arquitetura do sec 17 e 18 da cidade.

foi massa o passeio, apesar do kruno me deixar esperando por quase 7 horas – eu acredito que foi vinganca, pois a primeira vez q ele foi ao brasil, ele desceu em guarulhos, me ligou, e eu disse q estava em curitiba “vai ate o TERMINAL TIETE, e compra uma psaagem para CURITIBA” eu tentava ensinar as primeiras palavras em tupi-brasileiro por telefone pro coitado, heheh.

esta historia continua em Krizevic, cidade onde o Kruno mora com a Sonja nuim ape legal. mas ai ja continua regada a pivo (cerveja), makedonia vino (vinho da macedonia) e muitos bits, bytes e arduinos fritando no verao europeu. sem contar o role de cavalo e a lenda sobre os krizevcinas que apos as 18h comecam a beber e a matar seus amigos…. mas isso vai ficar pra proxima blogada 😉

University Sao Paulo

university sao apulo

USP is one of the biggest universities in Brazil besides UNICAMP in Campinas (both in Sao Paulo state). USP is established 1934. hosting more than 70 000 students and covers the area of 76 799 555 m2 with 4 museums and 4 hospitals. Here is the map >>

disscusion in the calssI was invited to give a lecture on artistic production in GentleJunk collective and to talk about art and culture in general at Escola de Comunicação e Artes – ECA (School for Communication and Arts) on Friday 25th of April. As students were mainly from department of sculpturing, their professor and my host, Mario Ramiro invited me to present Circuit Bending as a way of handling electronic devices as objects. Discussion and lecture went on to many different questions including free culture, free media and ways of artistic production today.

USP - looking from entrance to sculpture dep.

At one moment a digital photo camera went in a circle so everyone got a chance to take one photo. This is a photolg of that little experiment >>

Lots of thenx to Rosa and Mario for giving me a chance to have this experience.


Uma da coisas mais importantes em um intercâmbio cultural é conhecer a cultura cervejística local. Aqui na Croácia, a cerveja é muito saborosa, muitas cervejas vêm de outros países ex-ioguslavos como a eslovênia. Mas o mais interessante é o tamanho. Se na argentina existem garrafas de 1 Litro, aqui encontramos garrafas de 2 Litros! A desvatangem fica pelo desconfortável hábito de se beber cerveja quente, um pouco incoveniente para os brasileiros, mas nada que não se acostume.

Zadar Snova

Nossa primeira atividade foi em um festival de teatro comteporâneo chamado Zadar Snova, no litoral croata na região da Dálmacia. A região agora no verão é lotada de turistas, e por isso muito cara em relação ao resto da Croácia. Desde o final da Guerra o turismo tem sido uma das principais fontes de renda para o país, e Zadar é uma das principais cidades turísticas do país. Uma cidade que já foi romana, reconstruída pelos católicos usando as ruínas romanas, foi um dos principais alvos na guerra dos balcãs e ficou completamente destruída. Mas com turismo, cresceu bastantem e hoje é a quinta maior cidade croata com 75.000 habitantes(!! Zagreb a capital tem um milhão e o país todo 4 milhoes). Uma cidade linda, um pouco estragada pelas lojas de grife em busca dos dinheiro dos gringos da união européia.

O festival acontece desde de 97, logo depois da guerra, e é uma tentativa de mexer um pouco com a cultura, buscar novas interações, incentivar a criatividade no campo do teatro e da dança. Segundo seu fundador a idéia é criar uma tensão na cidade,uma tensão, circulação de pessoas, que gere novas possibilidades. Muito interessante ver que na Croácia acontecem vários desses festivais de cinema, de teatro, de música experimental, arte conteporânea, novas mídias. A cultura existia antes no socialismo de Tito, mas era toda organizada pelo Estado. Depois da guerra, sugiram muitas ONG’s que organizam esses festivais e o governo federal e locais são os maiores financiadores. E como é uma país pequeno muitas pessoas desses festivais se conhecem e se encontramm fazem intercâmbios. Foi o que aconteceu nesse festival. Kruno foi chamado para montar uma rádio, dentro do itinerário da Rádio Livre Viajante.
E um pessoal de um festival de curtas de Tabor, um castelo, perto da Eslovênia, fizeram a mostra de filmes que acontecia no final do dia. E todos os dias aconteciam peças de teatro e dança conteporânea em prédios e igrejas antigas.

Bem, montamos a rádio, a Festivalski Radiom, em um estudio improvisado dentro do QG do festival, transmitindo em 99.8, com alguns problemas na antena, e por streaming. Subimos a antena com a grua de obra que acontecia em frente ao estúdio. Rolaram várias participações de amigos da Croácia, Brasil e Argentina, mandando músicas, poemas, textos, fazendo stremings de outros lugares. Gravamos o áudio de peças, apresentações, sons e ruídos da cidade, tocamos os hinos do Brasil e Croácia juntos ao contrário, foi muito bacana!
Fizemos entrevistas em vídeo com o organizador do festival de curtas de Tabor, Ivo Gima, e com organizador do Zadar Snova, Christian. Um estadia muito proveitosa.

Algumas expressões em croata típicas da dálmacia: “Pomalo, Pomalo” = tranquilo, tranquilo e “Nema Problema”= Sem Problema….

Ouça uma parte da transmissão aqui embaixo!

Mais uma expedição

Tudo começou com um email sobre uma rede de webrádios do Kruno para uma lista de rádio do indymedia, ao qual o chico da rádio muda viu, entrou em contato, e a partir daí se iniciou a idéia de um intercâmbio entre brasil e croácia levada a frente pelo Kruno. Desde lá e acho que fazem dois anos, já foram feitas diversas expedições de reconhecimento. Já vieram por essas bandas Ricardo Ruiz,Tatiana Wells, Chico Caminati, Thiago Novaes e Alexandre Freire, estes dois a poucos meses pela ocasisão do Icommons em Dubrovinik, o que possibilitou sua participação na Rádio Livre Viajante (Putujući slobodni radio), que consiste na instalação de rádios com um transmissor de baixa potência (1 Watt com um amplificador de 15 Watts) em diversos festivais que acontecem na Croácia nessas épocas mais quentes. (Veja o relato de Alexandre Freire nesse blog em inglês ou aqui em português)
Com uma carta convite da ONG/CNPJ, UKE, que o Kruno tem, conseguimos, Giuliano Bonorandi e Tatiana Gouveia, o apoio do Ministério da Cultura brasileiro através do Edital de Intercâmbio e Difusão Cultural meio que de surpresa.No plano de viagem, a participação em mais dois festivais com a Rádio Livre Viajante em Zadar e Karlovac, uma rápida passagem nos arredores de Pula, na região da Ìstria e uma semana de pesquisas com software livre em Krizveci. E acima de tudo, conversas, muitas conversas, e a tentativa de de se conhecer melhor cultura e realidade umas dos outros.

O principal interlocutor dessa conversa do lado croata é o Kruno Jost, que ao mesmo tempo é o mais empolgado com as possibilidades. Já fez duas viagens ao Brasil, a última com sua consorte Tanja (que na verdade se lê Tânia) e da qual fez este blog aonde se pode ler, em inglês, suas impressões sobre pessoas, cidades e grupos que trabalham com mídia livre, software livre, conhecimento compartilhado, e essas esperanças dos nossos tempos. A despeito da irregularidades e diferenças desses grupos no Brasil, tudo lhe parece muito frutífero, já que aqui na Croácia, tudo isso é muito pequeno e isolado. Pois ele é um dos que tenta conectar diversas pessoas envolvidas em movimentos artísticos, software livre, rádio livre, conhecimento aberto, etc. e tal, participando de algumas iniciativas:

MMKamp => O festival que este ano se converteu na Rádio Livre Viajante. “MMKamp é um projeto internacional de ‘residência artística’ baseado na colaborção entre organizações sem fim lucrativo, artistas,ativistas de mídia tática, e aqueles que não sabem ainda o que são e não se importam. O conceito do MMkamp é um laboratório de arte e de novas mídias, uma plataforma de pesquisa, experimentações com novas mídias e de desenvolvimento de novas formas artísticas e de comunicação.” => “o coletivo gentlejunk é uma plataforma colaborativapara artistas multimídia que oferece possibilidades de experimentações como multimídia, novas mídias e design. Colaborar em imaginação artística ou não, trabalhar em conjunto, compartilhar ideías e inventar conceitos, desconstruir e reconstruir.” “Gentlejunk também é uma NetLabel. aberta para artesões sonoros e músicos interessados em uma criação doce e inivadora, no som em sua essência, experimetnação, inovação, barulho, drone… A maioria dos albúns lançados não estão rigidamente no campo da música da melodia e harmonia, mas estão mais abertos para o contar de histórias e para a experiência psicodélica do som puro e às vezes áspero que reflete o estado íntimo do ser”

Free Radio StanicaMIR => “FREE RADIO: STANICA MIR é uma rede informal de webrádios constituída de índividuos e organizações. Através do programa de rádio Stanica Mir, usando softwares de código aberto e através do compartilhamento do conhecimento e da colaboração internacional com outras rádios livres. Trabalha no sentido de expandir o espaço de mídia livre não comercial, a ação criativa e o ativismo”

Mais do que tudo, e como tudo deveria ser, esse intercâmbio é pra juntar a galera (we gonna put it togheter), it’s all about connectining people. E com o slogan de uma grande fabricante de celulares, se produz uma bela descrição para o nosso desbravamento: Rakija, Connecting People. Rakija é a cachaça local, que pode ser feita de uva,figo ou pessêgo e se lê “Ráquia”. Ou seja, como em qualquer lugar do mundo, as melhores conversas e os melhores intercâmbios acontecem nos bares.

Tentar acabar ou pelo menos desconstruir as fronteiras nacionais, com canetas, marretas e microfones.

exchange residency report

When this whole talk started, i didn’t really think about going to Croatia, I had signed up for a scholarship but though other people should go. I had other priorities, my master’s thesis to finish… And the iSummit in Rio had shown its colors: open show business, and that’s ok.

it's a circus show and we are clowns!

But then Kruno showed up in Salvador, I saw myself in that “gentle junk”. Gringo, big, blonde, he was robbed near Pelourinho because he was different, the brasilian cop even said: “what were you doing in that street gringo? did you want to be robbed?”. From the many gringos that have been in Brasil so far, I think he is very much like us. The next day I was robbed too, young kid on the boardwalk ripped the golden necklace my grandmother gave me when I was born from my neck. HA, a gringo in my own country. One of the comments he had about Upgrade!Salvador des).(encontro was the fact that we kept provoking one another: “paulista”, “baiano”, you’re not all brasilians?

I could relate to this strange artist, making music cutting cars, world citizen, studied in the US and Amsterdam, lived in Barcelona were he worked as a photographer for a golf club. And he had an idea, if we had a way to go to the iSummit, he would try to have MMKamp 07 so that a few of us could stay in Croatia for some more time and travel around, a work residency, a tour, the free traveling radio.

We then came up with the first plan, megalomaniac as always. We would all go, 9 persons: the Media Sana Crew, Djahjah, ff, Novaes, me, machado, tati…

Then we set out to make it happen, I even went to the Croatian Embassy, and the iCommons organizers were dazed and confused. They wouldn’t be able to pay for that many people, but what then? ff and Novaes would be around europe, that would make it cheaper, no way to go?

“No, we can only take one of you, we choose ff”

But ff will be in germany! Can’t you take him another way and transfer the ticket Brasil<->Croatia to someone else?

“Ok, who do you think should go?”

We worked on the proposal collectively, evolved the plan in a collaborative manner, and proposed that machado would go in ff’s place.

But no, they answered that they transfered the scholarship to me.

Right. It doesn’t work even trying to work together with them. I dreamed I was in Croatia, creating chaos while they drank champagne… Me, Novaes and Kruno, setting up the radio on the roof. I had decided, i’ll go, let’s see what happens.

Kruno went after more money to sponsor more people. Novaes coming from greece, ok. And maybe we can also bring ff, get him accommodation. iCommons tells us that it’s ok for F, it’s only 300 euros after all.

Some days latter, more surprises, we found out our workshop had been taken out of the official program…

“We thought you had given up, isn’t it possible to do your session as a “Birds of a Feather”? Oh yeah, another thing, the money that was going for ff’s ticket went for another person. our bad.”

Right, let’s go anyway.


I learned a bit about Hrvatska in Wikipedia. Must be though being a new country, only a decade since the last war. This generation was born in Jugoslavija and then changed country and political system. Socialism is gone and the consumer society remains. But they are still at the same place. I was curious, what would the world view of this people be like after such a great change?

When I finally got there, everything is new. Old abandoned structures and everything being re-built. Very strange language. Words without any vowels! It was only in my last day that I learned you need to pronounce each and every letter individually…

We drove from Zagreb to Dubrovnik. More than 10 hours on the road. A big, brand new highway, with germans going by us like jets, and that is because i was going 140km/h…

We stopped to eat something in a typical city, the best thing was the rakija store, an old lady in front of barrels of rakija with herbs. She recommends a boat ride with some relative. It’s like this all around, need something? Go to my nephew’s restaurant, or take my uncle’s boat…

We arrived in Dubrovnik at one in the morning. Kruno left me at the hotel paid for by the iSummit. On the way, 3 curious things. The first was having to go through Bosnia and Herzegovina. A straight of about 15km is the countries only access to the sea. The other thing is finding out that gas stations don’t have anyone working at the pumps, and in roads they have robots to signal parts were work is being done, and synchronize traffic lights so cars can pass in the only track available. In Brasil it is cheaper to put people to work in the place of robots, and the person that puts gasoline in the car also needs a job.

In Croatia that doesn’t exist. It is crazy being in a country were everything is middle class. Social difference is almost inexistent. Jobs are there if you look for them, the country is being reconstructed after all. Even the roads are fresh. After all, now everybody buys cars, they need roads to run in, and after the war’s ghost is gone, tourists are again discovering the very beautiful beaches in Croatia’s seaside. Tourism is currently one of the principal sources of income for the region.

That is another crazy thing to see, abandoned socialist structures. This was the army barracks, that was the socialist cantina, and over there the miners got their lanterns and took showers. You still see “Tito” written around cities, even on the road we saw a great Tito in the mountain, high up there….

These spaces have either been occupied (folks just squat and then legalize the occupation with the local government, that will then pay for the water, light, cleaning and security) or they are abandoned. And they still have lot’s of spaces. That’s also something strange, more than enough space for people and the government that is ok with paying part of the occupation if you rebuild and take care of the place. The Mafia will then come and pressure the city government to sell the reformed places to transform in Casinos for tourists… But they resist, and 20 year rent contracts help…

The country is doing ok, apparently the money is coming in, European Union lobby,in the promise to become a member country there are lot’s of people that want to please. Kruno says that the best would be to prolong this pre-EU situation. He thinks that when they are finally in then the faucet will close. Besides that there are other strange things, like as soon as they are EU, Croatia won’t be allowed to plant olives or make olive oil, because Portugal and Greece have priority in this markets. And the people that make local sausage also will have to stop, you’ll need a special regulated, patented brand, then only one new company will be allowed to make the regional sausage… can you imagine?

Anyway, it’s an opportune moment, realizing projects with NGOs and groups has worked so far, MMKamp 07 was sponsored with funds coming from another NGO called Klubture and promotes exchange between different organizations. They paid for Novaes tickets, gasoline and road fares from the tour’s trip, accommodation and 2 per-diems that we divided between (at medium) the 4 people that were on the tour to have dinner.

Besides tourism and European Union, Croatia also makes money exporting their own lad. It’s all stone, good stone, and they have stone factories that cut up mountains and send it all away by boat to build houses in other countries. Seeing the stone factory besides a mountain is really strange.

And there is the whole consuming thing. Everyone is middle class, with credit, car of the year and washing machine. The biggest chains of supermarkets is called “konzum” and it looks that folk loved so much the transition to capitalism, being able to consume many brands of toothpaste, what a wonder! It is said to see that even though there are so many cool spaces and opportunities for excellent exchange but the engaged people don’t mix as much. It’s hackers to one side, artists to the other, and activists over there. Each group with it’s own infrastructure, it’s own squatted room, condition to work and continue doing what you want. Maybe that’s why they don’t exchange between themselves? The infrastructure is there, the means too, there is no need to join strengths to survive.

Maybe in Brasil we mix so much because everyone is fucked and the only way to advance is collaborating? work together? Creativity comes from adversity? From lack of means comes the solution? A Gambiarra? I’ve been thinking a lot about that. We ant spaces and infrastructure and means to work. But if we had it all would we accommodate ourselves, every click in its corner?

Anyway, they do some very nice work, and i really respect all of the people i’ve met and the work they are doing. The Monteparadiso hacklab in Pula for example, exists for 15 years, does a wifi project in the city, built a telecenter, and even has a net label that pressed LPs with punk bands. But they are stopping their activities because since they can’t sell beer at their club anymore, people stopped going (among other things of course). They are sad because no-one participates anymore. Young people are not interested. They are lost in MTV…

We joked about calling the Brasil<->Hrvatska exchange project of War, promoting a brasilian invasion. But War is not funny. The natural way they talk about war here is scary, as if everyone is expecting the next war. In another talk with Kruno he said: “going through war shows you how the system is screwed, and the reality they try to sell you is surreal.”

It would be better to call the exchange Peace, promoting love through diversity. Novaes resumes it well: “the important thing is distinguish between confrontation and provocation. Confrontation leads to war, provocation helps us evolve, it illuminates the way and opens up new perspectives.”

And there are many things to love in Croatia. The respect with the environment is notable, it seems that much of the forest they had is gone because of past fires. But today they build bridges for bears on top of highways (imagine a road that cuts through a park, bears need to cross, there’s the need for a bridge). Renewable and clean energy everywhere. It seems that it is cheap to build solar and wind powered systems here. In the road you’ll see windmills and solar panels all over the place. And here they build the best boats in the world. The Sea Culture is there, half of the country is seaside. Beautiful beaches by the way, stone beaches, calm and completely transparent water.

But I’m going off topic and forgetting about the tour.

Of the first city, Dubrovnik, it is worth saying that their water-polo team is one of the best in the world and people that live there are proud of the 750 years of history as an independent republic. In one of the walls in the fortress there’s even this inscription in Latin: “Don’t sell your liberty not even for all of the world’s gold”.

I was there for longer, almost a week. the iCommons Summit happened, our birds of a feather with just two participants, and the radio, that rocked, were the best party for the event happened. Even Heater came to say: wow, you guys always do the coolest things at the iSummit! i hope they remember that when we ask for tickets for everyone to go to Japan next year…

I think one of the most important things we did was the camelôdromo. In the beginning i was really skeptical about it all, but i had 15 havaianas and 6 pinga bottles in my bags. It was Ruiz that convinced me: “it’s in your blood, it’s fight for survival”. And it was. With the money we made I could contribute to the MMKamp budget and in the end I only had to exchange 75 euros to stay in Croatia for 3 weeks…

I recommend this practice as a sustainability technique to everyone that needs help in this kind of trip. It is possible to pay for yourself from informal commerce. Pinga sold better than the havaianas, and as incredible as it seems I sold the male sizes faster. One of things I found very weird, with the fluctuating exchange rate thing of only accepting reais, was that some people bought the money and didn’t want to exchange it for merchandise, what is the real value of the real? Some people buy money to keep money… Pretty money…

After that we left for the tour. Two and a half days in each city. MMKamp 07, putujuci slobodni radio (free traveling radio). Partnerships involving diverse collectives, stanicaMIR, gentlejunk, estudiolivre, radiolivre, descentro, metareciclagem. Personified in the most part by me and kruno. What i really enjoyed was doing the radio program exchanges. Thanks Balbino, Mexicano and Cris for taking over the show and the radio-frequency in Croatia. It was a nice idea.

In Zadar after a night with pinga, dazed and confuses, we lost the car keys. It’s a part of it, in the end the workshop was late but happened, and we had time to philosophy a lot about the barriers that the universe puts on your way.

In Rijeka 3 people showed up for the workshop, we set up the radio and it reached half of the city (the antenna was on the window) and everyone spent the next day having fun, playing music and doing interviews. In the end we went to a play, and surprise, the people there were using the teatro do oprimido methodology. it’s a true brasilian<-> Croatian exchange.

In labin the 4 anarco-punks that would watch the workshop didn’t show up, it’s sad to see a mega space like Lanparna empty, almost abandoned. All that infrastructure just there, sub-utilized. We took our time and visited a village, Rakalj, were we had the workshop with Igor and his wife from Holand and Zoram and Sandra. Everyone is building their own houses, so I could talk a lot about that, we already planned a exchange of mangos for olive oil. Sandra wants to build a butterfly garden, and Zoram thinks the best thing about having his house would be setting up a nudist camping. I like the natural way people here look at naked bodies. Even if they are not doing nudism people when getting to the beach will stand naked to change clothes, very natural.

In Pula we had the best workshop. People from the hacklab are very responsible. Novaes arrived and we set up their own transmitter, with a 38 meter antenna cable, built right there, to reach almost all of the city. The squat there is incredible. There’s a hacklab, telecenter, auditorium with projector, office, bathroom, showers and even a club with bar. And the best it that the city government pays for water, light, security and cleaning!

Last stop was Karlovac, me and kruno very tired, but we did a workshop even if it was for only one person! The city is very calm and the rithm was great to talk about new perceptions and perspectives.

The future of this exchange is being built. We think it is important for people to stay for a while, have the opportunity to truly now each other, working together with more depth. We thought about a model: recycling a boat, a big boat, about 70 people, and in it we set up a sailing pirate university. Just starting to build the boat is already very hard work and research. After that, sailing with it will be beautiful. Crossing the Atlantic. A new discovery…

I know i’ve written too much, and few will make it to the end. But if you reached so far let’s talk. We want a boat to make peace. Seriously.


Salvador has around 2.7 milion inhabitants and was the first colonial capital of Portugese Brasil in 16th century. It has the highest proportion of people of African descent in the country, and one of the largest black populations in the Western Hemisphere. Gilberto Gil, present Brazilian Minister of the culture is born in Salvador.

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Wikipedia (eng.) notices: ‘Tourists must be aware, though, that they will be the preferential targets of the pick pockets and thieves, and hence should dress like the locals do.’

Salvador sound