PD Convention was organized by Alexander Porres, Paloma Oliveira and Palmieri Ricardo in collaboration with SESC Sao Paulo, Museum of Image and Sound (MIS) and PU between 19th and 26th of July 2009. On Sunday 19th July opening night started the whole scope of activities: from workshops to presentations, concerts, performances, interactive installations and most importantly PARTYs!
MIMOSA urban intervention vehicle was assembled during the first day of the Liwoli festival in Linz. Ricardo and me (Kruno) were working couple of days in Krizevci to make sure everything will go smooth during the workshop.
Workshop started with Ricardo giving background in MIMOSAs done before and about the general WHYs and WHOs and theBECKGROUND. We proceeded to disassembling old computer and reusing it’s parts to create new MIMOSA in the shoping cart so it can move in the city and can be used as urban interventions that aims to interfere at the current mediascape and people’s creative reinvention of media and technologies to reveal places, people and their tales.
Thanx to Claudia, Barbara, Sonja and Eddy for making MIMOSA together with us and Michael for getting us all the necessary parts. Thanx to Barbara also for shring with us Hardware workshop for women in Bratislava PDF
During HAIP festival in Ljubljana Palmieri Ricardo and Kruno Jošt mounted CultureRobot installation at cybercafe and culture center Kiberpipa. Cultural points in Ljubljana have been marked on the map:
Robots movement was tracked by infrared camera on the map. They have mounted diodes on the top.
In the video development can be seen in new design protecting robots from entangling together. Also a tracking patch can be observed. Map with cultural centers were trigged to change color and size of circle as robot crossed it. People could control robot movements.
During opening session of Dorkbot Rio a team of deconstructionalists have performed once again. This time a ‘Fusca’ (popular Beetle or Volkswagen) produced in 1968 was carved down on 24th May 2008, 40 years after it was produced and 40 years after counterculture and those revolutionary days which are so much evoked in the Brazilian media today, due to older rich people remembering them as the ‘days when they were driving Beetles with the flowers in their hair’.
Dorkbot Rio was hosted by Circo Voador, famous club in the heart of Rio da Janeiro. Production unit were: Bruno Tarin, Bruno Vianna, Giuliano Bonorandi and Kruno Jost. Thousands of thanx to many others that helped and worked with us making video or photographic documentation we can all enjoy now. Thanx again to all people that came for the event and joined in at the end in the manner that I have encountered only with people from Brasil.