Vivo ArteMov bringing CR to SESC in Curitiba

Ongoing collaboration between Brazilian artist Ricardo Palmieri and Croat Kruno Jošt will be presented in cultural centre SESC in Curitiba, Brazil.

CultureRobot is invited for participation in the Circuito Vivo 2012 between 07 to 12 May 2012 in Curitiba, Parana, Brazil. Typical micro-festival is occupying the spaces of the SESC Palace of Freedom (SESC Paço da Liberdade). Program ranges from a set of audiovisual shows, forum involving researchers and artists to workshops on mapping and geo-location and participative installation. The idea of the festival is to expand access to  discussions and critical use of technologies, such as mobile media, the microcinemas, the mediation technologies, network policies and art in public space.

Circuit Live is a project that has existed since the first edition of the festival (started in 2006). Created initially as a mechanism for dissemination of the activities, Circuit today has become a standalone event, a special edition that has a priority to establish prospective artists and researchers in the localities where it occurs. In 2012 Circuit Live is taking place in five Brazilian cities: Rio de Janeiro, Recife, Goiania, Curitiba and Sao Paulo.

Collaboration of Brazilian and Croatian artists on particpative isntallation CultureRobot has started in 2008 and since has been presented on HAIP festival in Ljubljana, SESC San Jose dos Campos, Brazil, Futuresonic Fringe, Manchester and Belo Horizonte, Brazil.

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