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EEII ’12 festival
EEII ’12 webflayer
Gosti EEII festivala
Karl Heinz Jeron (Njemačka)
Fresh Music For Rotten Vegetables je rad koji spaja recikliranje i izražavanje putem zvuka. Na radionici će Karl prikupiti otpadno povrće i voće koje izbacuju naši trgovački lanci krajem radnog dana te ih povezati bakrenim i cinčanim žicama. Dobit će strujni napon i napajati čipove koji proizvode glazbu. Ovakva glazba naziva se aleatorička glazba ili glazba šanse, pošto sam izvođač nema utjecaj na promjene zvuka, nego promjene dolaze variranjem napona strujnog kruga.
Chimbalab (Čile)
‘Chimbalab broadcast project’ je ideja Claudie i Constanze, koje su uvidjele da su sva obećanja tehnološkog napretka kroz nove tehnologije te sva IT oprema bile neučinkovite za vrijeme i nakon potresa u Čileu 2010. godine. Njih dvije počele su istraživati ‘uradi sam’ radio tehnologije kratkog vala koje se napajaju kroz kemijski proces koji koristi krumpir kao bateriju. DIY pokretni radio kratkog vala idealna je tehnologija za komunikaciju u području gdje nema električne energije, te tamo gdje je potrebna brza reakcija i informacija na terenu.
Robert Kolarić, Kruno Jošt (Hrvatska)
DIY grijanje na vodu je ideja na kojoj rade Robert Kolarić i Kruno Jošt, a radi se o procesu elektrolize gdje se slabim elektronskim naponom iz vode (H2O) odvaja vodik (H) i kisik (O). Vodik je visoko eksplozivan plin koji se koristi kao gorivo, a u ovom slučaju služiti će kao pogon glazbene instalacije.
Maja Kalogjera (Hrvatska)
Green Painting je umjetnički rad koji replicira prirodu. Zeleni pokrov nastanjen pticama koje cvrkuču ustvari je reciklirani tehnološki proizvodi današnjice – stari CD-ovi, kablovi iz računala i sl. U njih su ugrađeni mali sintetizatori zvuka koji se napajaju na sunčanu energiju te promjenjivim naponom proizvode zvuk sličan cvrkutu ptica.
Debora Hustić (Hrvatska) jakna je prezentacija ‘Tourn Signal Bicking Jacket’ projekta za Hrvatsku publiku. Mikrokontroler i arduino hardver na jakni mogu na jednostavan način postati vrlo interesantan projekt za primjenu kontrolnih signala korisnih pri vožnji biciklom.
Martin Howse (Velika Britanija/Njemačka)
Earthboot omogućuje da se računalo podiže (boot-a) izravno iz zemlje te se time zaobilazi rudarenje, prljave radnje čišćenja rude i skupi proces rafiniranja te onečišćenja, čime se izbjegava ekološki rasipan proizvodni proces i tehnike za izdradu uređaja poput tvrdih diskova ili USB memorije. Earthboot je osnova računala 21. stoljeća.
Earthboot oživljava korištenje podzemnih tokova električne energije ili kopnenih struja koje su prvi put iskorištavaju kao generatora snage u telegrafskim komunikacijskim aparatima 19. stoljeća.
Agnieszka Pokrywka, Ondrej Cakl (Poljska/Norveška)
“Smoke on the Water” je interaktivna instalacija bazirana na softveru otvorenog koda Community Core Vision (CCV) te Processing. U instalaciji se koristi kamera i projektor kako bi se kontrolirale informacije iz vode koje se vizualiziraju na zid prostorije.
Christian Galarreta (Peru)
“Computer Music Is Dead”
Transdisciplinarni autodidakt, audiovizualni kreator, skladatelj i izvođač suvremene glazbe. Osnivač DiosMeHaViolado, Evamuss i Tica, tri od najaktivnijih eksperimentalnih glazbenih bendova u peruanskoj underground sceni između 1995 i 2010. Objavio je, kao solist i na različitim projektima, više od 80 samostalnih i suradničkih izdanja i kompilacija na netlabelovima širom svijeta.
Computer Music is Dead je performans gdje Galarreta lovi magnetska polja neispravnih računalnih komponenti i elektronskog smeća kako bi generirao glazbeni doživljaj.
EEII ’12 info
====== EEII ’12 ======
Experimental Electronics Interventions / Eksperimentalne elektronske intervencije
=====WHEN / KADA=====
30.05.2012. srijeda / Wedensday – 03.06.2012. nedjelja / Sunday
=====WHERE / GDJE=====
Dr. Ivana Novaka 38. Čakovec, Croatia. Autonomni centar – ACT.
=====Organizers / Organizatori=====
Autonomni centar, ACT i Urbana kultura i edukacija, UKE
u partnerstvu / in partnership with
KIBLA iz Maribora, ONEJ – društvo prekmurske pobude iz Murske Sobote i Udruga mladih V.U.K. iz Varaždina.
=====Framework / Okvir=====
EEII’12 i ove godine omogućuje kreativnim ljudima da surađuju i druže se kroz eksperimentiranja sa interaktivnim, zvukovnim i video radovima. EEII se fokusira na kreativan proces više nego na sam rad te tako daje mogućnost za nove inovacije i nenadane eksperimente.
EEII’12 once again creates space for company and collaboration while experimenting with interactive, sound and video works. EEII’s focusing more on creative process than on final work itself, giving more room to innovative concepts and unexpected experiments.
MAL – second 3 D render
MAL – Mobile Art Lab from GentleJunk on Vimeo.
Mobile Art Lab 3D render
this short movie is Blander made by Mimi – Milivoj Kuhar. It shows construction of what MAL can be used for.
Divergent thinking, collaboration and EEII
An interesting sir Ken Robinson talk about school, creativity and divergent thinking.
Invitation for EEII’11 festival
Autonomous Centre, ACT,
Ivana Novaka 38, Čakovec, Croatia.
Stari hrast –
07.10.2011. – 18.10.2011.
During Slobodni festival (Free Festival) 5 (July 2011) we detected a local problem with artist working in new media art, transdisciplinary and/or in performance, multimedia, or with themes connected with social, group, collective, collaborative issues, even with anything slightly different than traditional/classic aesthetics. They all have complains about institutional structures that are slow to reply on issues of networking between artists, organizations and events. Also they are inadequate in recognizing needs of productions and presentation, especially in connection to technology and open source. There are no space for presentation, no adequate technological help, no infrastructure to host artist in residency programs, no art labs, etc. All this reflects to local art production and presentation, with much bigger consequences than just helping artist to solve their individual frustrations. In our view the biggest problem is seen in slow but constant disappearing from the map of culture and creativity completely, especially in contemporary world of information exchange and mobility, networking and EU collaborative cultural and artistic praxis.
According to detected problems we offer an idea of mobile art laboratory that will give local artists a chance to work in high-tech environment, on location where a needs is recognized (events, festivals, partner organizations, at location where artist and activist can converge ideas for better actions, etc). Mobile Art Lab (MAL) can offer artist, cultural agents and alike a space to share ideas, work on concepts, create tech. workshops, communicate, present concepts or art works, network with others. MAL can be art work in itself, but can also be a tool for artwork.
We know we are not the first to have this idea and we don’t claim a patent on it. We are aware there is many projects in the world with similar intent. But, we are also aware that this makes us a node in world-large pool of people and organizations which detected a need for mobility, nomad philosophy, creativity on the move together with collaborative work where artist and experts unite in culture that respects free culture movement, freedom of expression and speech, need to address subjects of social change, equality and awareness/ trough and with new media.
Our idea is to work with local forces (artist, culture agents, architects, students, enthusiasts) to conceptualize mobile/art/tech/fablab/brico/modular/lab by detecting needs of g/local and cross-border programs. We propose presentations of similar projects that we call brothers and sisters. We will organize presentations of this projects at he beginning of EEII festival in October and group work with participants in conceptualizing MAL. We need to put all on paper, see how it works in theory, have a look at local needs, possible constructions, preparations, weather conditions, where it will stay, how far it will travel, what material can it be build on, etc. Basically lots of moderated talks and discussions that will bring us to the modular, recyclable, multi-purposed mobile art lab. MAL will be created until ACT-fest where it will host it’s first artist work/s and KIBLIX festival during end of the 2011. MAL will be part of KIBLIX festival in Maribor, during November, as a host to 6 artist working as a group.
1. Friday 7th October 19h – arrival and presentations of similar projects in the world
2. Saturday, Sunday – discussions and creation of groups
3. rest of the week work in groups
4. end of the week finalizing blueprints and finding best offers for realization
5. 18th October presentation of blueprint