EEII fest again?

On 19th and 20th October Experimental Electronic Interventions are ready for another 2 day festival in DIY style.

It will happen in Lamparna club, Labin. Here acctually >>

We invite you all to join us. Send your mails to udrugauke at gmail dot com.

Lots of noise expected. Bring your ear protectors.

Electronical experiments and circuit bending

great stuff for rcycling!

During this summer most of the happenings were orientated to electronical experiments. To number a few:

Building a circuit bending machine ‘Krizevci Electronic Noise Band’ with wich we performed at ‘Nepokoreni grad’ festival

First we went to the an guy who owns shop for repairing old TV and radio sets and asked him kindly if we could go trough his garbage. He said – take it all away! We found couple of old walkmans with radios, radios, sound boards, voice recorders.

getting board readyIf you get a similar chance get all the stuff that has a connection to speakers, no matter how big they are. Cut off speakers (that u can re-use for other project) and connect jacks which will fit your mixing board.

opening machnes we brought homeAt home we started opening up what we brought from the garbage and connecting it to power supply and playing around with connecting different locations on the boards randomly.

When u find one good position get you alligator connector there, take another one and go on with exploring those circuits.

connecting a toy to battery and to sound output - jackWe burned couple of things with to high voltage but no matter.

Next expedition to friends that have kids was even better. They gave their kids old music toys away: ‘Just take it!’.

Best part was getting it all together in one box which we connected to small mixer. You can all get around the board and get control over your music machine, as well as over your mixer input.

krizevci sound noise band

The fun of doing it was matching the fun of playing with it.

We could go for hours, people on festivl were joining us, but soon people from museum (in front of wich we played) cut our energy supply. It was not because of the noise they say, they were jsut going home, it was late….

Read more on ‘Nepokoreni grad’ festival (cro.) >>
or on MMKamp and Free Traveling Radio >>